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Public transportation on demand

Flextur is public transport, just with smaller vehicles that operate on demand. It is door-to-door service according to your needs. You share the ride with others, and the vehicle may take a detour to pick them up.

Anyone can use Flextur. You just have to be able to get in and out of the vehicle by yourself.

Flextur is not available in Odense and Langeland municipality. 

More information about Flextur

You can use Flextur every day of the week. However, Flextur cannot be used on 24/12 and 31/12. You can book up to 14 days in advance, but always at least 2 hours before pickup.

When you book a ride with a desired time, it will be no more than 5 minutes before and no later than 15 minutes after. You will be informed of the scheduled time.

Waiting time: You should be ready at the roadside/curb from 5 minutes before to 15 minutes after the scheduled time.

On time arrival? If you need to catch a train or have a hairdresser appointment, just tell us by what time you need to arrive at the latest. We calculate backwards to make sure you make it on time. 

Depending on the municipality of your booking, the costs are between DKK 5.00 and DKK 8.00 per km (min. DKK 35.00-48.00 per trip).

You will be informed of the price when booking.

You can pay for your Flextur in the following ways:

  • You can pay cash to the driver upon boarding. Please try to have the exact amount.
  • You can pay with your payment card (VISA and Mastercard) to the driver upon boarding.

You can book by calling Flextrafik on +45 63 11 22 00 from monday to sunday between 10 AM and 4 PM.

The introductory speech is in Danish: Press 2 to book. After that, you will speak to a person.

If you have MitID, a Danish phone number and a Danish address, online self-service and an app are available.

You can cancel in the same way as booking, by calling Flextrafik on +45 63 11 22 00 - please press 2.

NB: Cancellation must happen at least one hour before the ride.

You can find the travel rules for Flextur here (in Danish). 

Customer Service

Dannebrogsgade 10
5000 Odense C 
